August 14, 2009

Clothes Pins

I came across this clothes pin activity at Her Cup Overfloweth and right away knew I had to try it. We tied a string between two chairs and used clothes pins to hang up pieces of fabric/felt. I was surprised at how much help B needed at first to get the clothes pins to work. Pretty soon the felt squares were on the floor and B was just putting the clothes pins on the string. He focused on that for a LONG time!

Then we tried to pin up the names of our family. This was a hit and reinforced the order of the letters in our names.

Then B threw those cards on the floor and went back to just clothes pins so I thought it would be fun to put numbers on them so he could put them in order. That didn't last long because then he wanted letters on the other ones (and from the picture you can tell that putting them in order was no longer a priority for him).

Overall, this was a great activity for developing motor skills and has so much potential for working with letters, numbers, or even colors. For now, B is just happy pinning them on the line and calling out the letter or number on the clothes pin he is using.


  1. Thanks for linking up to my intro post!!! I love the clothesline idea, I haven't seen that before!

    ;) Carisa

  2. I am so glad you liked the clothespin post I did! We had such a fun time and like you, my kids loved just working with the clothespins! It was a great teaching tool!

  3. Great idea. I am going to have to try this! I have a list of about three activities involving clothes pins on my "idea" list...and I am adding this one. But can you believe that we don't have any clothespins in the house?! I need to make a trip to the store soon I guess.

    Thanks again for the great idea!
    Cathy aka The Attached Mama

  4. I really like this idea - I'm imagining all the things it could be used for... matching colors, abcs, numbers, counting... wow! Great idea!

  5. Very clever idea - I am teaching my son how to read & this would be a great idea to teach him is words that he is learning.
    Thank you !
