September 5, 2009

Baby Activity - Teddy Bear Rhyme

Activities For Your Baby
We are expecting a baby girl this winter and so many of my friends have brand new babies. So I started thinking about what kind of activities I did with B when he was a baby. So many of the things babies need to develop or to be stimulated are so simple and instinctual that mom's do them without even giving them a second thought.

There probably isn't a need for me to even blog about baby activities, but I also specifically remember having thoughts like "Ok this says talk to your baby. I'm about out of things to talk about. Talk about what I'm doing? I'm cleaning. I'd rather not think about it let alone talk about it. What else could I talk about?" or "I wish I could remember some different songs/nursery rhymes. If I sing this song one more time I might go nuts." Ha ha those memories make me laugh.

I went to Story Time at the library when B was really young to meet other moms and get out of the house. The librarian always sent us home with a sheet of rhymes and songs that we sang that day. I LOVED that! I put them on my fridge and would just sing or chant one of them for about a week. I'd get sick of that one and look on the fridge for another one.

So that is what these weekend baby activity posts are about...just providing something new or different to try AND instead of having them on my fridge, I can organize them on my blog. If you have any suggestions or requests of certain types of activities that you need/are interested in, please let me know!

Try this rhyme with your baby. Use a favorite teddy bear or your child's hands to do motions to act it out.
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear

Teddy bear, teddy bear
Turn around
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Touch the ground
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Reach up high
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Touch the sky
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Climb in bed
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Sleepy head
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Turn out the light
Teddy bear, teddy bear
Say goodnight


  1. This is a great post! I have a 9 month old right now and I'm realizing that I need to spend individualized time with him as much as I do with my 3 year old. I've forgotten what I did with M&M when she was little so I'll be looking for these posts in the future!

  2. This is great...I have been thinking about the things I used to to with Emily to do again with Juliette. I look forward to seeing your ideas. I have been posting mine baby activities, well only 2 so far on Tuesdays.

  3. Thanks for the rhyme. I have a 7 month old, and though you're right about a mom's instinct to do this stuff already, I am still always wondering what else I could be doing for/with him. I'll do this with him tomorrow! I look forward to your weekend posts.

  4. I think this is a really great idea! If I don't have something in front of me like that, I wouldn't know what to say or sing either! Great job planning in advance! *Ü*

  5. I just happened to pop by and the little song you have posted here takes me back. I sang that little song to our Selena every night before she went to sleep, from the time she came home from the hospital. She heard it so much that she sings it herself now. What precious moments you are making.

  6. I don't know how I missed this post! I'm glad you linked back to it in your post today. Congratulations on your new baby - I think this is a great way to prepare yourself and other moms for when you have your new little one. Thanks for sharing - you have some great ideas!!
