September 12, 2009

Baby Activity - Visual Tracking

“Newborns should be able to momentarily hold their gaze on an object for a few seconds, but by 8-12 weeks they should start to follow people or moving objects with their eyes. At first, infants have to move their whole head to move their eyes, but by 2-4 months they should start to move their eyes independently with much less head movement. When infants start to follow moving objects with their eyes they begin to develop tracking and eye teaming skills.” -Children’s Vision Information Network

Here are a few Visual Tracking activities to try with your baby (on their back or during tummy time):

• Move a stuffed animal or toy from side to side and watch him/her follow it
(will also develop neck strength and eventually reaching for objects).
• Move your hand up/down and in circles.
• “Find the Sound” – Shake a rattle off to the side or above your baby’s head. See if baby can find it. (This also helps with sound discrimination)
• Blow bubbles for your baby to watch. (If this seems too messy, try it during bath time)

Click here to find out why I decided to start posting baby activities...


  1. Juliette loved watching us blow bubbles for Emily! We actually did a visual tracking activity this week using a bright colored scarf. It kept her attention for awhile. I like the idea of using a shaker for her to find the sound. We will have to try that. Thanks for the great ideas.

  2. I just thought about blowing bubbles for Bubba. Can't wait to see his reaction. Again, I love that you're posting these ideas for babies. And congrats on the baby!

  3. I tried the bubbles just two weeks ago with my 8 month old...but it was too windy. He couldn't follow the bubbles at all. But I will definitely try it again. I did do them in the kitchen before that. I figured I'd use the bubble soap to clean the floor when I was done. :)

  4. Oh, bubbles are so much fun! You're so right about the bath time trick. That is the perfect time for bubble blowing!

  5. This is oh oh oh so important! As the mommy of a little boy who has perfect vision (20/20) and yet visual perception problems I would have to say please do this with your child over and over again!
