October 24, 2009

Baby Activity - Taggie Square

Taggie Square
I followed this tutorial to make a crinkly tag square. A piece of plastic in the middle makes it sound crinkly. I would consider myself the step below "beginner" in the sewing department and it really was so simple and easy. I made one for our baby on the way and I made a few extras to put with baby shower gifts. If you have scraps of fabric and pieces of ribbon laying around, this is the perfect project for you!


  1. I saw this and I really wanted to make one for Bubba because he loves tags. Alas, I don't have a sewing machine so it will probably have to wait awhile. Hopefully he will still be interested in them when I do get around to making one. :) I would put myself in the same category as you in the sewing department. Good job on these, they're really cute!

  2. This looks like it could be a great gift! And since I'm probably even lower than lower-than-beginner, my friends would be UBER impressed! :)

  3. These would be a great gift - I'm going to make some for a friend who is adopting a baby soon. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Look at you putting that sewing machine to use! I'm so impressed.
