November 2, 2009
Fishing for Letters, Numbers, Shapes, or Colors - Printable
A few weeks ago I did a "Pay It Forward" post and sent 3 of my readers monogrammed notecards and a fishing game (pictured above). I wanted to share this fishing game with you.
Getting Ready:
1) Print the cards and cut out the fish
2) Punch a hole where the mouth would be
3) Thread a paper clip through the mouth hole
4) Use a magnetic fishing pole (from the dollar store or a puzzle) to catch the fish
You can fish for letters, numbers, shapes, and colors.
** Print two sets and "fish" for matches.
** Print one set and identify the letter, number, shape, or color that you catch.
Here are the fish to download and print. Enjoy!
Letter Fish A-D, triangle, diamond
Letter Fish E-H, square, rectangle
Letter Fish I-L, oval, circle
Letter Fish M-P, hexagon, octagon
Letter Fish Q-T, heart, red
Letter Fish U-X, yellow, orange Letter Fish Y-Z, purple, green, blue, pink
Number Fish 1-4
Number Fish 5-8
Number Fish 9-10
Blank Fish
The fishing game idea was inspired by No Time for Flashcards.
I love the picture! ;) Thank you again for sending this game to us. My son has had so much fun playing it!