December 1, 2009

Make a Bow Wreath

Today was Day 1 of our Activity Advent Calendar. B (2 1/2) is so excited about the whole thing which makes me so excited. He does keep demanding to pull out Day 25 so it will be Christmas. I think I need to store the calendar higher up somewhere.

Day 1 is "Make a Bow Wreath". I was imagining piling on the sticky bows to cover the plate like I did once in elementary school (easy, quick, fun, and tacky). As I was explaining how to do it B said, "NO, NO, WAIT WAIT WAIT! The bow is at the top (points to the picture). Not bows all over." So he continued to put two bows on the top and color the rest of the paper plate.

I sure did learn a lesson in letting him be creative and lead the craft. The good news is we had enough bows to make MANY wreaths to decorate our WHOLE house and dad's office too! The bad news is I didn't plan on the clipart being such a big deal on each card. I need to go back and look at what the pictures look like and/or make a sample craft for him to look at!

Did you do an advent activity (a bow wreath or something different) today that you'd like to share? Link up below! We'd love to see it!


  1. Super cute idea! I think I will have Layla "make" one tonight! Thanks.

  2. We are making the bow wreath today also. :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. We just finished our advent calendar - well it's drying right now. I'm going to mix up activities and treats - so I think today will be a chocolate.
    But I know what you mean with the clipart. Last year at Halloween we were making decorations and all the pumpkins had to have circle noses since the pumpkin shaped candle holder we had was that way.

  4. This makes me laugh because this is EXACTLY how craft time is going in our house, too lately! My "great" ideas are revised by Juliet every time. :)

  5. I loved the idea of the activity advent calender so printed them all and added the cards to my calendar.

    Day 1 - making a bow wreath - I didn't have any bows so decided to use patty pans (green ones) for leaves and small red ones for flowers. DS2 didn't want to do and DS1 didn't want to do the way I had planned and changed the whole thing. But that's normal for him.

    So have decided to change Xmas activities to Xmas games and have come up with some to last me a few days.

    We did the Santa Dice game this morning (I live in Australia so we are already in day 2). We used M&M's and the kids loved it.

  6. I just wanted to let you know that I linked to this post in my blog. Thanks!
