December 2, 2009

S is for Santa Dice Game

Day 2 of the Activity Advent Calendar - Santa Dice Game

Print out the Santa Dice Game sheet.
Find something to use for counters. We used mini M&Ms.
Roll the dice or spin a spinner.
Place that amount of M&Ms on the Santa sheet.
When you fill up your sheet (or whoever fills it up first for older children) wins!
Eat all of the M&Ms!

It sure seemed like it was a lot of counting practice for B this morning. I didn't want him to get frustrated so I counted the dots on the dice and he counted the M&Ms. Later today we are going to play this game again with stickers.

Did you do an advent activity (the Santa Dice Game or something different) today that you'd like to share? Link up below! We'd love to see it!


  1. Love the idea of using the mini M&M's. D loves any game that involves chocolate!

  2. i would be the one who was confused on how to play the santa dice game! thanks for the directions- now that i know how to play it, i am adding it to one of our santa days coming up! (and it totally was inspired by you to do activity cards for my advent calendar- you are a genius!)
