December 20, 2009

Seasons Clothing Sort

sorting I found this Seasons Clothing Match at Montessori For Everyone. I thought it would be an effective way to illustrate winter vs. summer (in Texas we don't see much of a seasonal change outside so clothes seemed to be a good example). This printable includes all four seasons and clothes that go with them.

A fun song to go with this activity.......

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
(to the tune of "This Old Man")
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
There are seasons, four in all.
Weather changes, sun and rain and snow,
Leaves fall down and flowers grow.
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
There are seasons, four in all.
Look outside and you will see
Just what season it will be!


  1. Neat idea! I love the song too.

  2. Thanks for the song-I love ones that teach! I'm adding this to my daily song list.

  3. Ohhhh, I love this!! I have a random seasons/clothing puzzle that I picked up on super clearance somewhere, and this would be perfect to go along with it. After the holidays, I'm really hoping to TRY and do more "themes." This one would be awesome!
