February 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Orange

cheese cubes, oranges, carrots, mac n cheese, cheetos, peach yogurt, and cheese crackers

We hunted for orange food this week at the grocery store. Fun! B's favorite was cheetos but the carrots and mac n cheese were left at the table. B never eats the mac n cheese when it is leftovers. Who knew he could tell?!

Check out Muffin Tin Monday for more great orange themed tins!

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. I LOVE your baking cups! Your MTM cups look yummy! I was going to do the peach yogurt too but I didn't get to the geocery store in time to buy some. :)

  2. I just love the holders with the feet! Too stinkin cute!

  3. What a great orange lunch! I like how you mix healthy and fun foods.

  4. looks good! I know my kids can always tell when it's leftovers too, but I am the same way so I guess I understand. great tin!

  5. I love your muffin cups! It looks like a fun meal.

  6. Looks yummy!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  7. My favorite would have been the cheetos too!

  8. Great muffin cups.
    My little one will not eat leftover mac and cheese either. I started adding a bit of milk to it after heating it up and now he will eat it.

  9. I second Leah, try adding a little milk to the mac cheese and it won't be as dry. Also, have you tried serving it cold. I used to eat it that way when I was younger because that's how I had to take it to school. It tastes different, but I used to like it.

  10. I have got to get some of those liners with the feet...my boys would LOVE those! I also wish I'd thought of cheetos...one of my boys' favorite treats!

  11. Oh, this looks like so much fun! I would love to eat an orange lunch, and you picked out some great treats!

  12. That's funny that he can tell about the mac and cheese but.. I can tell too! :D I actually ~like~ leftover boxed mac 'n' cheese, that's my little secret!

  13. Yay mac and cheese!!! Looks like a great lunch!

  14. every child loves cheetos. and every mom freaks out about the orange fingers all over their furniture. right? just say yes. it'll help my insanity.

    great tin!

  15. Mmmmm....All those snacks are making me hungry!
    And thank you for the link to your highway letters! Perfect for my little boys! I think I'm going to print out the shapes version.

  16. w,
    ha ha yes that does freak me out! =)

  17. Cute tin. I meant to go to the store and hunt for orange food. And I always hated leftover mac'n'cheese too. The cheese sauce never reheats the same.

  18. What a lovely tin. Your selection looks yummy for sure!

  19. I'll have to try the baby carrots as my kids won't touch normal ones. Great idea!
