February 10, 2010

Sweeping Beans

I've seen this activity online in quite a few places and finally found the broom and dust pan for B at the Target dollar spot.

I taped a piece of paper onto his table (you could also do this on the floor and use a regular broom) and dumped some beans. The object of this activity is to have them sweep the beans into the square, sweep them onto the dust pan and dump them into the bucket. Great for motor skill development!

B did it once the right way and then he just wanted to use the dust pan like a shovel. He actually told me to go ahead and do it and he would just watch me. Ha! Even though it wasn't a huge hit at our house (I'll get it out again on a different day.), I wanted to pass on the idea because so many other children have loved it!


  1. I could see Juliet telling me to just go ahead and do it myself, too! :)

  2. Cute! Hahaha! I know what you mean. Sometimes I'll have something for my daughter to do that I think she'll love and she isn't interested at all! You never know!

  3. I just discovered your blog and absolutely love it! Thank you so much. I feel like a better mom already just for planning out some new activities, thanks to your posts. I can't wait to try them!

  4. Thank you for linking up. Christopher loves to sweep.
