March 3, 2010

Awesome Letter Crafts!

I'm SO pumped up about these letter crafts found on Totally Tots (led by Jolanthe)! She features a letter craft (examples pictured above) and a book for each letter.

My original plan was to do one a day just for fun, but B hounded me to do more than one per day and would have sat down and done them all if I would have let him. He even went as far as to put a cute pouty face on and tell me "his friends A, B, and C were sad because they were missing their friends D, E, and F!"

I LOVE that they are made from foam which makes them fun for B to play with (versus a letter craft on paper) and I'm hoping that they will last longer. They were so EASY to make! I cut all of the pieces for letters A-M in advance in about an hour. I drew them by hand (not worrying about straight lines) on craft foam that I got from the Dollar Tree. I put all of the pieces and the squiggly eyes (also from the Dollar Tree) in a bag for each letter. That way it was easy for me to pull one out when we were ready to put it together. I also drew little dots on the letter so that B would know where to put the glue.

Right now she has the letter crafts listed through letter M but the rest of the alphabet will hopefully be posted soon!


  1. Good Morning! Oh my goodness- I love the animal letters. So clever. My daughter had bath letters/puzzles similar to your craft that were animals and she would put them on the shower wall. This helped her learn her letters.
    Enjoy your day!


  2. I love letter crafts! WE made A is for Alligator recently.

  3. That's a great idea! They're very cute.

  4. Great idea to put all of the pieces in a baggie, like a little homemade craft kit! Plus, it probably helped when it was time for your excited son to work on the letter, he didn't have to wait for you to gather supplies.

  5. Love it. ESPECIALLY getting it all organized before hand. That seems to be the hardest part whenever we do a craft....I sit LM down and then have to gather the supplies and do all the Mommy stuff first. By that time, he's lost interest, and I'm more stressed trying to hurry and get everything ready. Thank you for the inspiration!

  6. Oh, and I will be linking to you next week and your idea for the shapes & letters printable roads. Thanks again!

  7. These are very cute! Thanks for sharing the link!

  8. I have been working with my older son on the alphabet using these letters.... I am subscribed to you and had found them through you when i was browsing through your site... just wanted to let you know that you led me there :)

    I also use some other crafts and ideas i find around the web and posted the first half of alphabet on my blog :)
