March 29, 2010

Using Your Body to Make Letters

The Letter A
I've had this dorky dream for a long time that when B got older and started getting interested in the alphabet, that we would make an alphabet book with pictures of us forming letters with our bodies.

Here is the first and ONLY picture for our book. B wasn't interested at all. "Do you want to make the letter B next?" "No, we already made the A. We are done now."

So my dream was squashed BUT I still wanted to share the idea so you could have the fun and memories of completing your own book!


  1. We must be goofy, too. I've been on the floor making letters with my kids. My girls did this in Preschool too with the other children.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  2. I have the coolest set of flashcards from Williamsburg of people making the letters with their bodies. I keep thinking I need to do this with my kids, but still haven't yet.

  3. LOL! I'm sorry your dream was crushed:)

  4. how do you make a o!!!!

  5. hahaha, I love that you posted it anyway! :) (Plus, would you believe that not many letter activities start with the letter "u"? haha, you rock! :D
