January 31, 2011

Egg Carton Game

I've seen egg carton games all over the internet so I decided to give it a try. I cleaned the egg carton and put numbered, dot stickers in the bottom. I used a bead and had B close it and shake. When he opened it up, he identified the number that it landed on. We used this instead of dice for our number race game.

Other Ideas:
Put stickers of your child's favorite characters in the bottom and also on index cards. When they shake the bead, they collect whatever card it lands on. When they collect all of the character cards, they win!
Put letters, shapes, or colors in the bottom to shake and identify.
Use two beads and add the numbers that they land on.
Use two beads and subtract the numbers that they land on.

**Note, in my opinion the foam egg cartons work better.


  1. Thanks for all the great ideas! I really apperciate the effort you put into your blog! I am going to try this one with my 2 year old!

  2. We call our "the Gem Jiggler" and my kids LOVE it! We have used it recently with large numbers, colors, shapes and sight words. I love the idea of using it for addition. http://givinguponacleanhouse.blogspot.com/2010/09/gem-jiggler.html

  3. Love this idea. And thanks so much for adding all the extra ideas at the end. I have seen this before but never tried it out. My daughter is great at counting but can't identify the number symbols yet so this would be a great way to work on it.
    Thanks for reminding me of this activity.

  4. I use this in my classroom for adding and multiplying. The kids love it! We call it Egg-o! :)

  5. What a really great idea! I have never seen it before either! Thanks for sharing! Kerri

  6. Linked up to this activity today!

  7. very nice, I am from Romania,where homeschooling is not implemented at all, even illegal, but these activities are so great for kids' development.I will use this game also for favourite eals, fruits, vegetables and even favourite dessert, if my kid cannot decide:)
    Thanks again,
