April 20, 2011

Puddle Experiment

Next time it rains, go outside (after it is done of course) and trace a puddle. Go back outside every 30 minues to an hour and trace where the outside of the puddle is again. Ask your child, "Why is it getting smaller? How?"

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  1. I love this idea! What a fantastic illustration of evaporation!

  2. Ooohhhh, how fun! But now I'd have to remember to go out and do that.......

  3. I love this idea! so simple and fun to learn science!

  4. I can't wait for it to rain.

  5. Cute and fun and educational!

    Check out our giveaway if you're interested! ;)

  6. Love this idea!!! Whoo Hooo!

  7. It is always the simplest things. I can't wait for rain!

  8. That is a truly fabulous idea! What a great way to start talking about science:)

    Thank for the super tip!

  9. What a fun idea! thanks for visiting my blog today! I appreciate it. I am excited to start following and linking up to your blog. What fantastic ideas you have! Be sure to come to my blog on Thursdays for my child centered art link parties!

  10. This is great idea Nicole! :) And very, very cheap one that toddlers will absolutely love! Haven't met any who doesn't like to play with puddles! ;)

    Thank you for adding this to last week's High paw. I only wish we see you there more often! You share great ideas!
