May 7, 2011

Baby Activity - Family Puppets

photo courtesy of Giggles and Crayons

These Family Puppets made by Giggles and Crayons are adorable! What a neat way for your baby to identify family members and for toddlers to use them in pretend play. Staple or tape pictures to toilet paper rolls. If you are worried about your little one ripping off the pictures, use packaging tape and cover the roll (bending the picture around the tube).

Other Ideas:
Ask your child, "Where is ____?".
Sort the tubes into two piles, boys and girls.
Count the tubes.
Hide the tubes and identify the person on it when you find it.
Make it a listening activity. Can you put Dad first? Mom second? Grandma third?
Put a piece of paper in between each tube and stack them to make a tower.


  1. What a cute idea! My 18 mo son will love it (he's starting to talk and recognise people in photos), and I'm sure my 3.5 yo daughter will steal them for her pretend play....

    Thank you for sharing :)

  2. Nicole, your blog is really adorable and now you've got an award to prove it: And I love those puppets! :)

  3. This is a great idea so family that live overseas are not forgotten.
