May 3, 2011

Soap Experiment and Sensory Tub

B's teacher sent home this experiment for us to try. Take a chunk of ivory soap on a paper plate and put it in the microwave for 45 seconds. Gather around the microwave and watch what happens. Be ready with more than 1 piece because you will want to see it again! So cool!

This is what happens to the ivory soap. It actually looks like it would be soft like shaving cream but it's not, it's harder than you'd expect. You can then take this soap mountain into the bathtub. Will it sink or float?

Clean Mud Sensory Tub
That week at B's school they also made "clean mud" with the microwaved soap (above) and toilet paper. Just add water and mix with your hands to make a clean mud sensory tub.

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  1. We did ours for 2 minutes - but yeah, most of it was done after 30 seconds - I guess 45 sec would've been enough! I like how you just used a part of the bar at a time - then you can do it over and over again :)


  2. JDaniel would want to do this again and again!

  3. I awarded you on my blog today:

  4. I awarded you versatile blogger award at my blog.

    Please drop by!


  5. Thanks for this great idea. Definitely going to try it with my fours and fives. They will love it.

  6. Oh my goodness I just checked your blog and LOVE this sensory tub idea! Perfect to add to my list for Owen. And thank you for your ideas too! :)

  7. So fun! We will be trying this one. Thanks for sharing.

  8. What a fun idea!!!

    I would love for you to come link up at my new "Encouragement is Contagious!" linky party! You can share your favorite posts from someone else's blog to encourage them, and share your favorite from your own blog and get lots of visits :)

    Have a great day!
    Melanie :)

  9. That was so much fun! Thank you for sharing. How does the toilet paper and soap make clean mud?

  10. So cool. Can't wait to try this with the kids!

  11. @Leanne, "clean mud" is just a fun name for it. =). The toilet paper blends with the soap when you add the water and it feels like mud.

  12. Oh, thanks! I was wondering how it all worked together.

  13. So fun--thanks!

  14. Does this have to be ivory soap or will it work with any soap? Thanks!

  15. Wendy, I'm not sure. I've only tried it with Ivory. I don't think it would go wrong if you tried it with a different brand. Try it first without the kids just to make sure.

  16. Very cool! My girls would love to see this!! They were amazed at how I blow bubbles from one side of a towel with soap. Hope you are doing well! Read your interview tonight.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  17. Oh my gosh, that's just the coolest thing! :) I wonder if you've seen the video of shaving cream in a vacuum? This reminded me of it. :)

    Here's the video, if you'd like to see it:

  18. e-Expeditions, that is an awesome experiment too. Thanks for the video link! =)
