May 23, 2011

Super Hero Grid Game

B is really into super heroes right now so I made him this super hero grid game. Feel free to print a copy.

Grid games are great for one to one correspondence, working left to right, number identification, and counting! 

Roll the die. Put the corresponding number of counters on the mat from left to right, top to bottom. When the board is full, you win! After B's first roll, I'd ask him "How many are left? What do we need to roll to get to 10?". This made it more competitive by trying to reach 10 the fastest and it snuck in a little learning about combinations of 10, addition, and subtraction.


  1. Oh my, this is exactly up my son's alley. That and the Knights and Castles printable from Homeschool Creations. It's all about knights and superheroes at our house. Thank you so much for the new (to me) but simple idea. Do you mind if I post a link to this on my blog?

  2. Kristy,
    Of course! =) Glad you can use it!

  3. Thank you! Love this! We'll try it this rainy afternoon as a counting exercise for Bruiser.
