May 12, 2011

The Things They Say Journal - Mom Activity

A long time ago someone advised me to write down the funny little things that my kids say because it would be fun to look back on. I'm SO glad I took that advice and started a "Things They Say" Journal. I keep this notebook in my kitchen drawer and informally jot things down that are said, who said it, and the age. So funny to look back and reread some of these things and I can't believe how quickly I've forgotten.


  1. Love the idea! how fun to have a journal to look back on what the kids said!

  2. Love it! I keep a What They Say page on my family blog...this is even better!

  3. I just forgot something JDaniel said yesterday that I want to remember. I need to do this.

  4. We can't wait to do this, too... once little one starts talking! For now, the journal is just full of funny noises... "thsppppppth!"

  5. I love to re-read things my kids have said and done from their journals. They grow and change so quickly!

  6. We've been doing this for awhile as well and I love looking back at the hilarious conversations we've had. Such fun!

  7. i was looking at the amazing mess and found my way over here. when i saw this had to say something. this is an amazing idea. sometimes i wish i could walk around recording everything just to catch the funny little things. i wish i'd seen it sooner. i'm going to start tomorrow.
