June 28, 2009

ABC Felt Pillow

alphabet pillow I found this idea on Martha Stewart's website when B was only 12 months old but got so excited about it, I made it right then. Right now B is just getting interested in it (28 months).

It is great for letter identification, learning to spell their name/family names, and extra practice with buttoning.

It was SUPER easy to make and the supply list was very simple. Using the letter pattern on the website, I cut out the alphabet x2 and then I cut out each family member's name in a different pattern of felt so that B could pick out the letters for the names easily. I store the letters in a pouch (also described in the directions) that slides into the back of the pillow cover.

Doesn't sound like a project you want to take on right now??? B also uses the letters I cut out on his felt board. So at the very least, check out the project instructions and save the letter pattern for later on.

View the project instructions here.


  1. I love this! I bought a ton of felt about a year ago and I haven't known what to create with it... I really like this idea! I have an award for your blog-

  2. I just made one, check it out! I love the idea and thanks for posting it.


  3. I am working on a cloth abc thing right now but I love this. I may have to change or make this too- so cute!

  4. I'm new to you and can I just say "WOW!" I love your blog. Thank you!
