August 23, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday - People & Faces

This week's Muffin Tin Monday theme is People and Faces.
(We have a busy Monday planned so we did it on Sunday instead.)

yogurt smoothie (milkshake), chips, dog shaped peanut butter sandwich, pretzels, pickles, turkey dog, cheese cubes, and grapes

B has really been into the concept of "Our Family" lately so I drew these little toothpick family members and let him choose which food was our favorite. Simple I know, but he loved it!

Heart Warming Moment: B wanted to know where the toothpick baby was (we are expecting). I told him the baby's favorite food would probably be milk for awhile.
Today's Victory: The big victory today was B actually tried the turkey dog on his own (any meat is a victory even if it is hotdog style). Yes, he spit it out but at least he tried it!


  1. What a great is so much fun to see what everyone comes up with. I love your toothpick people. Our dog LOVES cheese too!

  2. great job on your faces! :)

  3. Very cute! I love the toothpick idea! :)

  4. Great idea and how cute that he asked about the babies fav, so cute!

  5. what a great twist on the theme! Great job!

  6. Great faces! Love the stickers! Stopping by from MTM!

  7. I LOVE the toothpick family! Great idea.

  8. What a great idea. Super cute.

  9. What a creative way to think of it! I'll have to remember that for sure.

  10. The toothpick family is so fun!

  11. Oh my goodness, this is just TOO cute!! I was seriously lacking inspiration today (and my little one is in a sour mood) so I think we'll do our MTM tomorrow. I'd love to borrow your idea of the little faces! What a great idea. I'll link back to your blog.

    And, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. I, too, am a teacher turned stay-at-home mom (though I do tutor privately in the afternoons; a point which has its pros and cons) and I just love all that you do. You definitely provide such great ideas and inspiration!

  12. Hey there! I saw your comment on my blog (because I left a comment on YOUR blog; Ha) and wanted to answer about tutoring.

    When I quit teaching (after Maddie was born) we knew that I could stay home IF I made money somewhere else. So, I started up my own (tiny) tutoring business. I work in the afternoons (from about 2-6, Monday-Thursday), my mom watches Maddie and it works out perfectly. It took a LONG time to build it up to the point that it was profitable, but now it's great.

    Shoot. I should've emailed you (somehow). Here, email me if you want more info: I'll gladly share more; it's been a life saver for our family and I still get to stay in touch with teaching (and there's a HUGE demand for private tutors, too).


  13. Oh I love the little toothpick family you made! And in my book, the simpler, the better. Cute idea!

  14. That is very cute! And how sweet that he already includes the baby as part of your family. He'll be a great big brother! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  15. Very cute tin ... love all the people joining you for lunch ... and laughed that he spit out the turkey dog - hee hee hee - kids are great!

  16. I really love this idea!! My daughter would get a kick out of trying to guess whose food is their favorite. And the little toothpick people are perfect! Thanks for sharing the fun idea and popping by my blog last week. Always great to "see" a new face!
