August 15, 2009

Our First Muffin Tin Monday

Alphabet cereal, Apple, Pancakes, Yogurt Smoothie, Scrambled eggs, & Raisin Toast

Muffin Tin Monday is something special created by Michelle over at Her Cup Overfloweth. The benefits of Muffin Tin Monday are a breaking up the lunchtime routine, serving foods in smaller more manageable portions for little ones, and introducing new foods in a fun and interesting way.

Sometimes there is a theme for Muffin Tin Monday, but this week there wasn't which made it easier for our first time. When I first got out the muffin tin I thought "How am I going to fill this up? This is a lot of food." Once I got started I realized the portion size in the muffin cup is really small (1/2 a pancake, one slice of apple, etc.). Also, I had to remember I was using this opportunity to serve some of the things I knew B didn't prefer and so I knew he wouldn't eat it all.

This was a really was a fun way to serve a meal. It was easy cleanup to just dump the muffin cups. I look forward to planning for a theme next week. It will spice things up for me. (Note to self...this will be a great opportunity to teach/talk about food groups.)

There are a ton of people that participate in Muffin Tin Monday and they link up their pictures and blog posts at Her cup Overfloweth. Click on the link (at the top) to view more Muffin Tin Monday Meals.


  1. welcome to muffin tin monday! your off to a great start :)

  2. Welcome to MTM! And yes, I LOVE the easy clean-up! :D

  3. Sounds like a delicious breakfast! You're so right about portion sizes! I should eat all my meals out of muffin tins to help me lose weight, lol.

  4. What a yummy breakfast! I think I may have some more breakfast now.

  5. Welcome to Muffin Tin Monday! Your breakfast tin looks great - and you're absolutely right that this is a perfect way to introduce new foods in small amounts. :)

  6. Yay! Welcome Welcome! Breakfast in a muffin tin is always yummy!

    And I love how you used 8 out of the twelve cups!

  7. Welcome to MTM! That looks like a yummy breakfast!

  8. This was our first week too! You did a great job - love the breakfast idea. I'm thinking that's in the cards for us pretty soon! :)

  9. I just bought a little 6-cup muffin tin today. I think it's a good thing to try this with my picky eater. I hope it works!

  10. You look like you had fun with it and made a super yummy breakfast tin too! Congrats on joining in--we LOVE Muffin Tin Monday's at our home:-)!

  11. Welcome to MTM, so glad you joined us!

  12. lol, I wondered how I was going to fill it up too at first! Great job!

  13. I think one of my personal faves was our breakfast MTM. There are so many ideas out there, you're going to have a lot of fun!

  14. Great breakfast...welcome to Muffin Tin Monday!
