February 1, 2010

Nursery Rhyme a Week - Printable

I stumbled upon this free, printable Nursery Rhyme A Week Instructional guide and it reminded me of when I did a Poem of the Week in my 4th grade classroom. So I decided to print a few and give it a try with B.

With each poem they've included rhyming picture cards, rhyming riddles, and lesson plans. B isn't ready for most of the skills that the lesson plans target so I decided we'd just have fun reading them everyday and B could keep adding to his own nursery rhyme book.

When we read them, I point to each word in hopes that after he has memorized them he will also start pointing to the each word and make some beginning reader connections.

To be honest, I didn't think he'd really like some of the nursery rhymes (like the two shown above) but I was wrong! He LOVES to print a new rhyme every week and put it in his "special reading book". He asks me to read them with him over and over again and I often hear him singing the rhymes on his own.

I think this is a great resource to use in whatever way that works for you and I just wanted to pass it on and tell you a little bit about how we are using it.


  1. I love this idea! I am going to print these out as well. Thanks!

  2. Thank you for this! I love nursery rhymes and whenever I see a used or inexpensive nursery rhyme book, I buy it! My daughter loves them, especially the ones I sing. She says "Baa Baa" for Baa Baa Black Sheep and "Meow" for 3 little kittens and she does the hand movements for itsy bitsy spider.

  3. I took a look at the site - what a fantastic resource! Thanks so much for posting about this!
