March 2, 2010

Green Eggs and Ham

Happy Birthday, Dr Seuss!

B's favorite Dr. Seuss book right now is Green Eggs and Ham! Obviously the message of the story hasn't sunk in yet because he won't try new foods. =) I googled Green Eggs and Ham images, printed them, and taped them to index cards (pictured above) so he could retell the story. I put magnets on the back hoping that would make it more appealing. We did it together once and he hasn't paid attention to it since.

The cards may have been a flop but this Green Eggs and Ham video is a BIG HIT! He loves watching the story "come alive". If Green Eggs and Ham is popular in your home, take a minute to check out the video!


  1. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks. We are celebrating in our house too!

  2. Sometimes we have this wonderful idea and our kids never like it. That can be so frustrating. If it helps any, mine are never all that fond of activities like this either.

  3. Thanks for the link to the video. We're reading Green eggs and ham today and making green iced egg sugar cookies since my daughter, like your son, will not try new things so real green eggs was out!

  4. Gotta love Dr. Suess for writing such clever books for children. We had fun reading his books today- even our 2 month year old got in on the celebration today. Take a peek at him reading over on my blog. :)

    Take Care!

  5. Oh I just noticed the link to the video- what a great site. Thanks so much for sharing.

