March 17, 2010

Photo Scavenger Hunt

I found this photo scavenger hunt idea on Little Family Fun and like ALL of her other activities I couldn't wait to try it!

I took pictures of different places around the house, printed them out on paper, and attached them to index cards. I set up the clues during nap time and they led B to the treasure (a sucker). It was so fun! We can keep using the same set of cards to make several shorter scavenger hunts or mix them up and follow the clues in a different order.

To make this more challenging for older children, take a picture of just a little part of the area (a small piece of the table instead of the whole table) which will make figuring out the clue more challenging or give your older children a chance to use the camera and make their own scavenger hunt.


  1. This would be great for an Easter basket hunt!...though not as easy if there are multiple children.

    Love it.

  2. Hunts are so much fun! I so need to do this soon.

  3. its been forever since we had a good scavenger hunt

  4. This is such a fun idea! And easy enough for my little girl to actually do! yay. so fun!

  5. So glad you had fun with this! And I like how you also wrote the clues so that when your little one starts reading you can have him practice. Thanks for linking!

  6. We love a good scavenger hunt here too! Using photos with a brief description makes for a fun treasure hunt.
