May 15, 2010

Baby Activity - Sensory Bottles

I made these bottles for N to look at, hold, shake, and of course put in her mouth. So far they just go right in her mouth, but I think that as she gets older she will play with these in different ways.

Bottle Fillers:
pom poms
pipe cleaners
ocean in a bottle (equal parts oil and water with food coloring)

Thank you 1+1+1=1 for the inspiration!


  1. These are great! I am making them for my baby.

  2. What a great idea! I need to make something like this for Dawson! He loves to steal our water bottles and shake them around, I bet he would have a lot of fun with bottles filled with different things, too.

  3. I was just looking at a couple of small recyclables the other day wondering what I could turn them into for baby. Great ideas!


  4. Ooh, I love your variation! I need to make some more for Ladybug!

  5. Such cool things! I took an empty can of formula & covered it in pix of babies cut out from magazines. I filled the can with cherrios. My little guy loved it!
    Returning the favor of following from Mom Loop!

  6. Wishing your blog was around when I had little ones.

  7. Hi this is Tanya from
    FF returning the follow!

  8. Love it! I made some like this for Henry with old prescription bottles (obviously cleaned them out and took off labels) and items like rice, paper clips...just whatever would make a fun noise. He loves to shake them!

    Also, quick do you decide how much time should be structured activity time with you compared to independent play time? I know this would vary by age but just curious. Henry is 9 months old right now so he isn't wanting to stay still, but I'm just trying to figure out what would be a reasonable amount of time?! Thanks girl!

  9. Hi Courtney!
    I didn't think of paperclips, great idea! =)
    About your question:
    I'd say at 12-18 months when I started some structured activities it was 5 minutes at the most before B moved on to something else. I would try here and there to catch his attention with an activity and go from there, otherwise we just played.

    Around 2 years old, I'd say he could sit and play a "game" (I always called them games) with me for around 10 minutes and at 3 years old we are still at 20 minutes or less unless he is really into it. At 2-3 I'd try a structured activity once a day at the most (not everyday, just when it fit into my schedule) and once we had done the activity enough together I would sit them out to let him work on them independently if they caught his attention.

    Overall, more play than structured learning. Ask if they want to play a "game" here and there.

    If you haven't seen the post, "Where should I start" the link is on my sidebar!

    Hopefully I answered your question (I tend to babble). If you need any ideas or have any other questions, let me know.

  10. I love these. I have been on an Activity Bag making craze over the past few months (with lots of my own and my swap partner's original bags pictured and posted about on my blog) and have been thinking of making some for Baby to Arrive in July. These will be perfect! Thanks!

  11. Hi! I'm visiting from Mom Loop!

    Your blog is full of such great ideas! I am starting homeschool this fall and will come back here over and over for ideas for things to do with my little guys while the big boys are studying, I'm sure!

  12. Thanks again for answering my question!! You are such a great resource!

    Just found another great sensory bottle today...a pringles can!! My little guy was loving crawling after it while it rolled across the floor, and he enjoyed playing with the actual can too!

    One other quick idea...Henry loves to play with wires, but of course most of the wires in our house I've had to cover up so he can't play with them so I created a safe way for him to explore his favorite thing. I took a large diapers box...flipped it upside down...attached several different textured ribbons, shoe laces, and phone type cords inside the box (with duck tape lol) and brought them through the slot at the top.

    And just an update on baby signs since we talked...he has started really getting into them now (almost 10 months). He only can sign for fan, fish (he gets so much joy out of letting us know he sees a fish), all done, and bye bye, but I have a feeling that more signs will be coming soon.

  13. These are super cute. I especially love the pipe cleaners because I've never seen those used before. My baby is still not sitting alone so my parent educator gave me a similar idea to this for tummy time. Fill a ziploc bag with small items beads, lids, pom poms, etc. and then fill up with water or hair gel or soap. You can either duc tape it closed or use a food sealer if you have one. My baby LOVES it!!

  14. This is a great idea for babies. I am a adaptive yoga teacher from PA- I did a variation of this project for older kids at a Social Skills Camp. Our Theme was 'beach yoga'-and at the end of class we made a "Message in a Bottle". Photos are here if you have older children & want to try it:!/album.php?aid=189120&id=201337143089

  15. These look great - I espcially like the ocean one. Thanks for sharing the idea.

  16. Very cute and simple--anyone can do it--so I did! :-)
    I linked to your post--hope that's OK! Check it out here:
    Have a great weekend!
