May 21, 2010

Pretend Play - Dress Up

I put this dress up section in the corner of the playroom and it has lead to so many hours of pretend play. I buy wigs and hats on clearance after Halloween or in the dollar spot at Target and foam animal masks at Michaels. I put a few hooks and a cheap mirror on the wall. I'm hoping that the creativity with hats and costumes continues to grow as the kids get older.


  1. Good thought about clearance Halloween!

  2. That is such a great idea. Even my son and his friend will ask for old Halloween costumes and play in them for hours. I should just leave them out. Afterall they are just hanging in the closet. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. What a fantastic idea. I am going to get a mirror for my girls dress up area. Good idea! Thanks for the follow.

  4. Hello from the mom loop,,its lots of fun don't you agree. great blog you have too. I saw you stopped by mine too from the blogfrog button..
    My Lil girl is all grown up now but my grand daughter loves to check herself out in the mirror for sure!!! Neat idea
    Thanks and Blessings ~~~Dena

  5. This is such a sweet set up! My daughter loves dress up already (22 months) so I know more of this is in my future!!
