May 13, 2010

Same & Different

I bought this pack of cards from the Target dollar spot awhile ago and B has been interested in them lately. I love that it gives us the opportunity to talk about same and different, but there are so many possibilities on each card that I think it is a bit much for B. So I decided to see what he understood about "same" and "different" using objects from the playroom.

Which two are the same? Why? Which one is different? Why?  

Then I told him to ask me. I figured I'd really be able to tell if he understood the concept if he could put together a question for me.

He started with this group of objects. Yes! He gets it! The banana and the letter are the same color.

Ask me one more REALLY tricky one!  

Hmmm ok maybe he doesn't get it. I paused and answered, "Oh I know the alligator and the grapes are both small and the container is big."  Very tricky! =)

We had a great time playing this game together. It was quick, easy, and simple. We will continue to play this game and hopefully B will build on what he knows about things that are the same and things that are different!

Shared this idea at:

abc button


  1. That's so great! I need to do more of that with C.

  2. We loved playing this game too! I love that you can use everyday objects to practice this skill. Little People were Emily's favorite :0)

  3. Cool idea! I'm going to try it out.

  4. Those are cute. I like the idea of using common objects, too. Stop by Creative and Curious Kids if you get a chance- I have something "sweet" for you. :)


  5. This is fun with buttons. They can sort by shape, size, color, 4 holes, 2 holes or shank. And as they get older and more adept, they can sort by multiple characteristics at once. I LOVE buttons! :-)

  6. Thats' nice idea to use the play objects...I downloaded some worksheets from the link below..

  7. That is a great idea. I think we'll try it tonight while I'm working on supper.

  8. Very cute blog. Can't wait to read more. Thanks for following mine and entering my drawing!

  9. Really neat idea! Just found your blog through No Time For Flashcards :). Will be back!
