June 19, 2010

Are You KIDing Me? (Review & Giveaway)

"Are You KIDing Me? 51 Things People Don't Tell You About Being Pregnant" by Haley Greene is a humorous take on the experience of pregnancy. She writes it in an easy to read way that makes you feel like you are sitting down with a girlfriend trading stories (and laughs) over coffee. My favorite is #3 that says "Do you know you wet your pants when you sneeze?"!

This book is a great gift for a first time pregnant friend. I can imagine reading this book while pregnant and thinking "that won't happen to me" and then reading it again after having the baby and thinking "I can't believe that happened to me!". 

Do you want to win a copy of "Are You KIDing me?" by Haley Greene?

I was sent a copy of this book. These ideas and opinions are my own and I was not compensated in any other way. 


  1. I'm not pregnant but this sounds like a good read. I am visiting from 'Mom Loop' Friday follow...yea, yea I know I'm late...but I am here and will be back. Nice Blog! Have a great weekend. susie

  2. Just thought I'd pop on over to say hi. I just saw that you visited my blog. This is a very cute blog!
