June 22, 2010

Toy Story Grid Game

Yesterday, B and I made this Toy Store Grid Game. We had as much fun picking out the pictures to make it as we did playing it!

The object of the game is to be the first person to fill up your game board. Your game board can be a full sheet, 20 squares, or cut it in half to have 2 game boards of 10 squares each.

Roll the dice, and put the corresponding number of markers (we used Cheerios and then Nerds) on the game board. For the next game, roll to eat the markers. The first person to empty their game board wins.

Here is the Toy Story Grid Game to print. Feel free to edit it. My 3 year old computer partner could barely wait another minute after the pictures were pasted, so there was little time for adjustments. =) If you do make improvements, send me a copy and I'll link it up.

Have fun!

**Updated 6-28 - The link is fixed! Thank you Quirky Momma for taking time to help me out!


  1. I've been having trouble with google docs lately. I'm working on correcting the problem. In the meantime, I can email the document to anyone that is interested.


  2. awesome. juliet just saw the movie yesterday. We're doing this!

  3. Fun idea, my daughter loves Toy Story! I'd love a copy of the game so we can play too☺ I featured your activity in tomorrow's Show & Tell. Thanks for linking☺

  4. What a great idea! We're trying to wait for the movie to come out on DVD, but after we see it, we'll have to return to this :)

  5. It is so much fun to use everyday items that perk the interest of young ones rather than dull worksheets. Excellent idea.
