August 11, 2010

Color Collage

Yesterday we worked on shape collages and today we tried color collages. I used up my scrap paper collection and this turned into a great experience with different shades of colors.

This is how I set them up around the table so he could move from spot to spot at his own pace. I wanted B to rip and glue the pieces, but he wanted to skip the ripping and just glue the large pieces onto the paper. If you are introducing colors, just work on one color collage at a time.

Other Variations:
*Put all of the small scraps in a pile in the middle of the table. Have your child sort and glue.

*Put small dots on the paper to form the letter that color begins with (R on the red, O on the orange, etc.). Challenge your child to rip and glue the pieces onto the dots to reveal the mystery letter.


  1. This is a terrific way to help children sort their colors and compare and contrast the shades of color too! I love simplicity of it too!

  2. Great idea! I have lots of scrap paper too!

  3. My son and I are working on colors too. This is a really cute craft for a 2 yo. Thanks!

  4. HEy Nicole! :) Just this Friday I've started a linky party for anything related to toddlers and playtime on the best toys for toddlers blog! Care to join us? Link is:

  5. My daughter went through a stage where all she wanted to do was glue...everyday. But then she slowed down for a little bit. But then she saw me buy a whole bunch of 25 cents glue and I think it re-sparked her imagination!
