September 23, 2010

Recycling Activities

I found a few neat resources at Marcal Small Steps (an earth friendly paper goods company).

Here is a collection of recycling activities targeted toward grades K-2. However, I think many of them can also be done with 3 and 4 year olds with a little extra support.

This Save a Tree Calculator figures out how many trees your family can save.

These Green Tips are really informative and are good conversation starters to build awareness.

I know that I'm always looking for ways to teach B about our environment and the importance of recycling so I was happy to find this resource and wanted to share.

I was not compensated in any way for this post. I thought these were beneficial resources and wanted to share them with my readers.


  1. You may like our recycled plastic bottle fish from Monday. Thanks. Karen
    Sippy Cup Central Mom

  2. I love to teach JDaniel about recycling too.

  3. great idea. I have my son put things in the recycling bin and we talk about not wasting - recycling toys and clothes even. I love your blog...I'm so inspired everytime I come to it.

    I linked to it in my blog today - (well and its on the side bar too)

  4. Thanks so much for the links and ideas ... You can NEVER have too many ideas for recycling.
    Donna :) :)
