October 5, 2010

Old Book to Puppets

On a recent post about what books to look for at garage sales, Erin from Letter Soup had a great idea about turning old or ruined books into puppets.

The opportunity presented itself when this Clifford book was torn. Instead of recycling it, we turned it into puppets by putting them on popsicle sticks.  Now they are perfect for pretend play or retelling a story. This book was thicker like a board book. If you are going to use a book with regular pages, you might want to mount them on cardstock or cardboard first.



    I have many books that I can recycle in this way.

    As usual, I've been blessed by your blog!

  2. That is SO clever! I love this idea.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Just saw a GREAT review of one of your learning kits over at JDaniel's Mom. Really great products coming from Time for Tots!

  3. wow! great idea!! :) I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great idea! John tears his books up all the time so I am glad to find a way to reuse them!

  5. oo what a great idea! I will have to do that with the next book!

  6. Great idea! I always find it hard to cut up books, but we've been gifted with some library discards in rough shape that would be perfect, especially when we have both a clean copy and a beat up copy (so that they could play with the puppets while we read). [Ack, I think that is the first time I referred to plans to read to my kids in the plural. Next baby due soon.] :)

  7. I love how your puppets turned out! Thanks for the kind mention! :)

  8. Those turned out great! Lord knows we have enough torn books around here-- especially now that the baby is mobile.
