March 7, 2012

Raised Salt Paintings

At 4.5 years old, M's favorite projects are those that include a mix of science and art. This is a fun project that meets both those needs and uses household items!

Grab some white glue and have your preschooler draw shapes on thick paper (we used cardstock).
Make sure that the glue isn't too thin and that the shapes aren't terribly complex.

Next, have your artist shake a healthy amount of salt on top of all the glue.
Shake off the excess (we placed ours on a plastic tray, making the mess well contained!) and save it for another painting.

Break out the watercolors and make sure the brush is well saturated in both paint and water.
Have your tot lightly tap the salted glue with the brush and watch the colors run and spread!

 Try different colors, using varying amounts of water and paint to see how it affects the salt.

M declared that these were "Crystal Paintings."  But, enjoy them while they last, since as they dry, the salt does tend to flake off.

A super fun and inexpensive science and art experiment!

Written by Jill


  1. Crystal painting loooks like so much fun!

  2. Thank you! This looks so fun and I already have everything. I am looking for things to do with an extra kiddo around on Friday.

  3. Looking forward to trying this - what a great fun idea! Thanks!

  4. Thank you for this idea! I just pinned it. My 3 year old loves crafts with glue & paint so I just know this will be a hit!

  5. Should one wait for the glue to dry first? Or can we start painting immediately?

  6. Susan, start while the glue is still wet. It spreads better when it is wet.

  7. I definitely want to try it out with my daughter one of these days. I read about it before, and this activity sounds like so much fun!
