March 14, 2012

Story Telling

B and his dad have started a story time tradition. It is such a simple and great idea that I wanted to pass it on. Each night, B picks 3-5 toys or characters or items from his room and gives them to his Dad. Dad makes up a creative story using those props. It is usually a silly story and includes things that B loves. Such a cool bonding moment (that sneaks in a little learning too)!

This is also a great way to spice up creative writing with your older children!


  1. Great idea! My little guy loves stories and I always need help coming up with new ones. Thanks!

  2. I love this! My "Lesson Plan" for the week is story telling. I'll have to pass this along too!

  3. Such a lovely idea. My hubby makes wonderful stories up for our girl but sometimes I get stuck for inspiration. Thanks!!
