March 12, 2012

Toilet Paper Roll Alphabet Crafts - C is for Carrot

C is for Carrot

First, color or paint green above the line and orange below the line. 
Cut the green into fringe pieces. 
Cut a slit in the orange section and wrap it to form a cone. Staple or tape it closed. 
Write the letter Cc on your carrot (optional). 

Other Ideas: 
Have a "C" themed meal with carrots, crackers, cauliflower, corn and cookies. 
Make a "C" garden to plant your toilet paper roll carrot. "Plant" it with other items from around the house that start with C. 

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  1. Just in time for the Easter bunny, too! :)

  2. Paper mache-ing orange tissue paper onto the TP roll would be another fun carrot project. I did this and added elastic to make snowman noses for dramatic play this past winter.

  3. This is great! Pinned it onto our TP Roll Activities Board and now I'm off to read about some of the other letters you've done! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love your TP crafts. We made this one today for our letter C unit! Cute, easy and fun to make. :)
