March 5, 2012

Toilet Paper Roll Alphabet Crafts - A is for Alligator

I try to find activities and crafts that can be done with materials that most homes have on hand. Toilet paper rolls have been piling up at our house with the intention of building, crafting, or sculpting with them. B keeps making binoculors (which is fun), but after the 5th pair of binoculors I decided to start Toilet Paper Roll Alphabet Crafts.
Not only will there be a toilet paper roll crafts from A-Z, but I will also share ways to use these finished letter crafts to continue learning, practicing, and working with letters! 

Remember the craft is about the PROCESS NOT the PRODUCT! But to make these "cuter" you could add googly eyes, stickers, craft foam, etc. 

A is for Alligator

Draw a zig zag on each side of the tube for a mouth. Cut along the lines. 

Draw the eyes with a black marker and snip a slit right above each eye which will allow them to pop up off of the roll. 
Write the letter A on the side (optional). 
Color or paint to finish. 

Other Ideas:
*Bring your alligator for a walk around the house and help him find items to "eat" that start with A. 
*This alligator growls the sound /a/ in a loud, roaring voice!


  1. What a cute way to upcycle!

  2. I just found a sugar cone container that we are going to turn into a crocodile. Toilet paper roll crafts are so much fun!

  3. I love this idea!! I know my daughter will enjoy working on this:)

  4. What a cute idea!! I can't wait to see all the letters! :)
