March 25, 2013

Learning Colors

My little G (22 months) is really starting to notice colors, often pointing at a color and waiting for me to tell him the name.  I pulled together some fun trays that exposed him to learning about colors through dedicated play!
toddler activity

Little hands LOVE to pour so I grabbed some tiny pitchers (one is from a thrift store and the other is from Crate and Barrel) and filled one with rainbow-colored rice.  I always have dyed rice because of our sensory kits, but this was a fun twist!  He loved to try and pour... And then sweep up the excess! 

Paint Chip Play
learning colors

Paint chips are FREE and there are endless learning options with them!  I cut up some strips and had G try to match the colors.  Even though it was a little tricky for him, it was a language-rich activity and he was shouting out all the colors by the end!

Color Clips
color matching activity

I found these star clips in the dollar bins at Staples (of all places!  Learning tools are everywhere!) and made a strip of colorful construction paper.  I always laminate for durability and this NEEDED durability!  The goal was to clip the correct color, which turned out too hard, but he LOVED pulling the clips off!

Clip Match
matching colors

These chunky clips are at the Dollar Tree and they're so versatile.  Again, the clipping was a little hard but he loved pulling them off AND dropping them in the metal coffee can.  :)  Sometimes we create an activity and while it doesn't turn out how WE envision, our little ones make it their own (and therefore, it's still a success!).

Rainbow Play
toddler tray

I found this printable from Making Learning Fun and laminated it.  It got taped on a small, magnetic white board and I paired it with a ton of magnets.  He LOVED placing the magnets inside the tiny circles!

Marble Play
marble toddler activity

This was such a colorful activity and involved marbles, which are usually off limits to G (he loves balls, thinks these are balls, and they end up getting thrown and rolled all over the house!).  I had this Jell-O Jiggler mold and he had to put a marble in each little well!

Egg Tray Play
color sorting

This plastic egg tray is from the Dollar Tree and I filled the center with colorful pompoms.  He loved putting the pompoms in, even if he didn't totally match the colors like I demonstrated!

Written by Jill

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