April 8, 2013

Learning with Bottle Tops

activities with bottle tops

Start saving your bottle tops and lids! There are so many ways you can have fun learning with them! Here are a few to get you started: 


  1. I love all of these ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks so much for the great round-up: so many useful ideas :D

  3. My students also like to measure with bottle caps. They collect bottle caps of similar sizes and measure how many small bottle caps long something is. Then measure how many large bottle caps long it is. Why is there a difference in the number between the large and small caps?
    They also make graphs with them. I have 3 red bottle caps and 5 blue ones. I have 2 more blue ones. etc. They are a great learning tool!

    1. You are right! So many ways to learn with bottle tops.
