April 4, 2013

Math Games

Early Toddler
baby activities

toddler dice game

Roll and Count (Early Toddler Game)

counting with toddlers


toddler dice game

counting cards

numbers game

dice games

preschool math games

number games

make a counting book

preschool dice game

preschool dice game

Math Game with an Ice Cube Tray and Erasers

preschool number games

Toddler Counting Game

Preschool Dice Games

6 Printable Dice Games Based on Popular Childrens' Books

preschool graphing

preschool number race

Number Race (printable)

toddler board games

Quick DIY Board Games

Older Preschool to Ages 6+

preschool number burgers

Make Number Burgers (printable)

math puzzles

preschool addition

addition game

The Bean Game (Combinations of 10)


  1. Thanks for sharing! I really like your number matching dice game. What a fabulous idea! I pinned it so I would remember to use it when I'm looking for a math idea. :)

  2. What a great list of ideas! My little number obsessed son will love some of these ideas!
