April 30, 2013

Organizing Kids Keepsakes

Are you accumulating a LOT of school work, art projects, or other masterpieces that your Mama heart just can't bear to toss?  

Here's how I keep the keepsakes organized in our house.

I have a big box from Ikea that sits in my hall closet.  When M or G create something adorable (which is ALL the time, naturally!), I toss it in this box.
organizing kids art

Every few months, I'll go through the box and pull out the keepers (the ones that I'll show them when they're 18 years old).

I bought this plastic milk crate at Target and popped some colorful hanging file folders inside.

organizing kids papers

Each kiddo (well, minus the baby... He's only 9 weeks old, haha) has their own crate.

Here's what it looks like:

organizing school work

I gave each important year of school (starting with preschool!) a folder.

keep kids school work

Miss M is almost done with kindergarten and we just recently sat down together to decide which artwork, photographs, teacher notes, and reports to place in the folder.  We also looked back on her preschool folders and had SO much fun reminiscing!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a great way to organize memories. Thank you for sharing it on the Back to School Traditions link up. I will be sharing this post on Facebook.
