May 16, 2013

DIY Lego Storage

lego storage

I made these! Can you believe it? You won't believe how easy they were to make and B (6 years old) told me I was awesome and that always makes my day!

You don't have to use them to store Legos, you can use them to store anything and it is the perfect decoration for a Lego fan. 
lego craft

I took the labels off of this large plastic container and spray painted it yellow. When you are spray painting, spray it lightly from a distance and use a few coats to cover it instead of too much all at once (like I tried to do) because it will drip. If it does drip let it dry, sand it down a little bit in those areas, and start over with the spray paint.  

When the containers are dry use a black permanent marker to draw on the lego faces. 

Idea inspired by Obseussed

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