June 3, 2013

June Busy Boxes

I love stocking Busy Boxes for G (2 years old) because they provide him with activities that can be done independently (like when I'm feeding baby G) or they are things we can do together.  Here are the new ones we have out this month.

busy bags

Felt is so much fun!  I have a big felt board from Lakeshore and love to make felt play pieces (though I'm pretty sure you can buy felt pieces, too!).  The top box contains shapes, with enough to make houses, snowmen, ice cream cones, or anything else he can dream up!  The bottom contains pieces I made to match The Very Hungry Caterpillar (I'll have to share those in another post; they're VERY fun!). 

toddler puzzle

Have you ever made shadow pictures?  They are so fun.  I grabbed some household items (a cookie cutter, plastic kiddie cutlery, a key, magnets) and traced their outline on card stock.  I ran the cards through my laminator and showed G how to match the item to the shadow.  It's such a fun one for little ones!

toddler activity

 I picked up a pack of these laundry clips at The Dollar Tree and drew some circles (in matching colors) on cardboard.  Originally, the idea was for him to attach the clip to the card, but he's a little young for that still.  BUT, he LOVES pulling the clips OFF the card!  He's also getting really good at naming colors and is starting to sort by color, too.  So, lots of learning options!

toddler activity

Chart stickers are FAVORITES over here.  They are tiny and easy to peel off the sheet, which is important for tiny fingers.  I let him put the stickers on the lid of the busy box and before we clean up, he peels them back off.  A pack of these is about $3 and you usually get around 10 sheets of stickers.

Written by Jill


  1. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Danke für deine wirklich lieben Worte. Es tut gut zu lesen, dass jemand meine Blog mag und die Zeit, die ich investiere nicht unsonst ist. :-)

    LG und du hast tolle Ideen!
