I created a sheet with the different songs and finger-plays that we did today. It helps to have them all in one place.
Sun Puppet
Materials: Construction paper, Glue, Tape, Crayons, and sticks
I cut out the sun for the kids and they glued the parts together. Large googly eyes would work well with this craft, too. Guide your child as they tape the stick onto the back of the puppet.
The kids had fun using their puppets as we sang Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun and during our other sun activities.
Counting /Number Recognition
Using some materials around the house, I put together this simple math activity for my three year old. He had to place each sun above the number as he counted them.
Painting/ Color Fun
What a fun day! The sun did eventually come out. Just in time for our weather check. Little man reported that the weather was windy and sunny.
Great ideas to include older children.
Sun Facts for Kids (Science Kids)
Sun Activities for Kids (TLC Family)
Written by Jen
What a great way to spend a rainy (or even snowy) day. I'll have to remember this for next winter.