December 9, 2009

Velcro Catching Gloves - Make Your Own

velcro catching gloves
This craft was featured on Make and Takes and when I saw it I just knew I had to give it a try!

What you need:
Pair of cheap winter gloves ($1)
Ball (set of 4 for $1 at Dollar Tree)
Sticky Velcro Circles ($2ish)

All you have to do is stick the velcro (not the fuzzy velcro, the other more firm part of the velcro) to the ball. I used about 8 circles and to be honest, it could have used a few more. That's it! Each person wears one glove (or have your child wear both gloves and you toss) and you are ready for a fun game of catch.

We have one of those games with 2 circles and the sticky ball that you throw back and forth that we really like, but I thought this might help teach B how to catch with his hands instead of his body (Have to get ready for Texas football! Just kidding...kind of. Ha!)


  1. That is a cute idea and affordable!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  2. Those gloves are 2 pair for $1.50 at Target right now.

  3. These would make adorable stocking stuffers. Thanks!!!

  4. What a super idea - this would be so much fun! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Congratulations! You won the Me & Marie giveaway! You are going to love the 12 Days Of Christmas Learning Pack! Please, e-mail me your e-mail address and I will forward it onto Me & Marie. Thanks!

  6. I love this idea! I bet I could use gardening gloves.
