January 23, 2010

Baby Activity - More Winter Songs & Rhymes

I'm a Great Big Snowman
(sing to the tune of "I'm a little teapot")

I’m a great big snowman, (hold arms in a circle in front of you)
Round and fat,
Here is my scarf, (touch neck)
And here is my hat, (pat head)
When the sun gets warmer, (raise hands like the sun coming up)
I get flat,
I melt into a puddle just like that! (spread hands flat in front of you)

Found at Brooklyn Public Library Website

Tune: "London Bridges"

Pretty snowflakes falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
Pretty snowflakes falling down
All through the town.
Pretty snowflakes, on the street,
On the grass, on my feet.
Pretty snowflakes falling down
All through the town.

~Jean Warren

Found at Preschool Express


  1. Just wanted to say thanks for the songs. I really think my girls will enjoy I'm a Great Big Snowman. And it just reminded me of another one I used to sing with my older children when they were little. It is called A Chubby Little Snowman. If I can remember it all I will post it on my blog: http://totsandme.blogspot.com/.

  2. These are fun snow songs. Now I just need some snow.

  3. So glad to see you visited my blog and are following it now. Hope B enjoys the song. My son remembered it a little differently than what I posted, but there are so many slightly different versions out there I figured it doesn't matter.

    Also wanted to let you know I passed along an award for you that I feel you deserve.

    God bless.

  4. So cute. Love it! Will have to sing them to my newest addition! He enjoyed Raffi today for the 1st time. My girls loved listening to him when they were babies.

    Hope all is well with you and the baby. Rest as much as possible!

  5. Very sweet. London Bridge is one of my son's favorite songs.
