February 27, 2010

Baby Activity - Texture Ideas

On last week's Baby Activity post, I asked for help with texture card ideas to use with baby N when she gets a little older. You guys gave me some great ideas and I can't wait to give them a try! (I want to do them all!) After that post, I saw a couple of ideas on other blogs for using different textures that I wanted to share with you.

This treasure basket idea from Chasing Cheerios is a fun and easy way to expose your baby to different textures and give them the experience of picking them out of a basket or dumping them like we seem to do here. I like the idea of changing the items in the basket every week or so!

This textured number bags idea from Izzie, Mac, & Me (pictured above) is awesome! Check out her blog for the list of the different items she put inside them. I love that N could put these in her mouth and experiment with different textures that she might not be able to if they weren't inside the bags. Then, these bags can be used again later as she gets older for different games and number practice.

Let me know if you come across any other ideas or if you try any of these!


  1. I like the number bags! Thanks for sharing.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  2. Oh, fun!!! What a great idea for babies... I love it!

  3. Textures are so much fun. I find that my older set love to "help". Mine are all tactile even after being a baby :) lol
