March 1, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Team Umizoomi Snack Patterns

The show Team Umizoomie on Nick Jr. has made B LOVE to work with patterns. For months I've been trying and trying to create opportunities to work on these and talk about them and he went along with it but wasn't thrilled about it until watching Team Umizoomie. They have the cutest song about a snack pattern that we've changed and used to create so many other patterns.

So for Muffin Tin Monday this week we made our own snack patterns. I made the first two and then left the ingredients in cups for B to make a couple. So fun!

Check out other Muffin Tin Monday meals....

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. that's awesome! what a great idea for working with patterns!

  2. I am always on the lookout for things I can do with my toddler. I will be visiting your site often.

    Thank you.
    Stopping by from SITS.


  3. what a great idea! We have the same muffin tin!

  4. What a creative idea! I love seeing what other people are doing for MTM...I'm just back at it for my second week and I'm afraid my creative juices aren't flowing yet! You are right, yellow is going to be a challange, isn't it?

  5. Great Tin! I was going to do patterns too because we have been talking about them a lot but changed at the last minute to Rainbows.

  6. What a great idea. We have been using blocks to make patterns, I think I may steal your idea.

  7. Patterning is such a great idea! Great tin.

  8. Patterning! Thats a great idea!

  9. Great idea, using food to teach/review concepts is always a great idea!

  10. That's such a great idea! I love it.

  11. What a great idea! I love it. :)

  12. Great tin! Love the patterns idea. Very clever!

  13. This is a clever idea. I bet this was a hit.

  14. Nicole, I am LOVIN your blog! :)

  15. What a great idea! I just saw that show the other day for the first time and was surprised at how cute it was. We will be adding this to our "have to try some day" list. :)

  16. so wonderfully creative! my kids love that show too!

  17. the pattern tin is a great idea! i think i'll try this out on my oldest!

  18. Snacks are always great to use for patterning. I used them often when I was in the classroom. They were always a big hit!
