March 19, 2010

Easter Egg Countdown

Countdown the days until Easter with an egg carton and plastic eggs! I numbered the bottom of the egg carton and filled each egg with one jellybean. I think B will have fun playing with this in his kitchen after Easter too!

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  1. What a fun way to countdown!

  2. What a great, simple idea...LOVE it. Thanks!

  3. Activity Mom- if I get an idea from you, but tweak it, may I reference you in my post? I don't like to take credit for something I didn't think up. For example, I'm using your egg carton idea but we're adding Bible scripture along with the jelly bean. I gave you credit for the original idea. What would you like me to do?

  4. I did an extension activity that will go well with this. I'm posting it tomorrow. Can you link this or any other math activity on our linky?

  5. oo love this idea!! I am heading out to the shed tomorrow to pull in all my Easter decorations. I am going to make this once I have the eggs inside :-)

  6. That's a pretty neat idea - thanks for sharing it!

  7. Fun idea! The boys would love it!

  8. we are doing a countdown and the boys are loving it! they look forward to opening their eggs each day. i have loaded each egg with stickers, jelly beans, or my favorite was three pieces of paper that put together said, "I Love You". they have to equally share what's inside and if it's an odd number then mommy gets the extra. thanks for the idea!
