March 22, 2010

Mom Activity - Pantry Makeover & Giveaway

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered!

Awhile ago, I contacted Tanna from Complete Organizing Solutions about my pantry. I follow her blog and needed some pantry advice.

Here's my pantry. Although I knew where things were in there, it just looked so messy all of the time and to top it off I tend to leave the doors open so much that I don't even notice that they're wide open when I have company.

This is my pantry now! I used Tanna's suggestions and made it my own. Love it!

Tanna offers online Clutter Consultation and is generously giving away an online Clutter Buster to one of my readers!

Want to win?

Here's how to enter: Leave a comment and tell me which area of your home needs a clutter buster.

Extra Entries (leave one comment for each entry):

*If you are a follower or subscriber of The Activity Mom, leave a comment and let me know or become one and let me know.

*If you've linked up to one of my activities recently, let me know and leave me the link.

*If you've tried one of the activities featured at The Activity Mom lately, leave a comment and let me know which activity you've tried and how it went.

I will select a winner using, so be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry! The contest starts now and ENDS Tuesday, March 23rd at midnight. The winner will be announced here, and emailed (your email MUST be in each comment/or enabled in blogger). The winner must reply to my email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.


  1. oh my!!! i desparately need help in my kitchen/pantry! not so much that it lacks organization but it's just far too small! i really need help!

  2. i'm also a follower AND i have you listed in my blog roll!

    pick me! pick me! PLEASE pick me! lol!

  3. many places to pick from! i would say it's my hall closet!

  4. I love organization and baskets. Baskets make everything organized and fun and pretty. Great spring colour.

    I am a follower but I am not entering.

    Good luck to others.


  5. my closet! you can't even walk into it. it's our only place for storage in the house.

  6. What area doesn't need it? My pantry or my sewing/school room would be the two biggest. I can keep adding to that list.

  7. I subscribe. I'd add a comment for linking, because I'm sure I have at some point, but I don't think it's been recently, though you have great ideas.

  8. My home office needs some work!

  9. I subscribe through google reader

  10. I have used your abc movement cards!

  11. Wow!!! That would be so wonderful to win!!! Right now, I would say that I need some major help in my closet! Your pantry looks great!!!

  12. Cool giveaway! I'm sure every room in my house needs a cluster buster, but maybe I should go with the one room we keep the door CLOSED at all times - the office. It needs cleaned out desperately!

  13. My pantry could use some help!!

  14. I need help in my pantry so bad!! Great giveaway!!

  15. I need the clutter in my little pantry busted!! Yours looks terrific now.

  16. I just started following you yesterday. Found you through a link through a link of a friend. Isn't it funny how blogs work like that?

  17. My kitchen island is the CLUTTER OF ALL CLUTTER. I don't mean the inside either. The top gathers everything. My pantry is pretty bad too...items stacked on top of each other...chaos, I tell you. (Unlike yours! Mine is also tiny.) My kitchen is crazy! derekannette at gmail dot com

    PS I love this giveaway, and have already checked out COS. Great blog!

  18. I follow you!

    (I keep saving your ideas, but in the next couple of days I intend to do the egg/number activity. Will leave a comment when I do. I know intentions don't count!)

  19. I subscribe AND I've tried the awesome letter crafts and it is probably the only craft I was able to get my 3yr old son to do! My whole house needs help!

  20. Thanks for sharing so many of your math activities!!!

    As for clutter control, I desperately need help with my home office. My husband will thank you if we win as it bothers him more than me!

  21. My bedroom closet is probably the scariest.

  22. subscriber =)

  23. I think my pantry and office are in the most need of organization. Your pantry looks great!

  24. The most recent activity I made from your site was the alphabet on lima beans for games and sorting. I wrote all the letters in black except the vowels which I wrote in red. You have a ton of great activities!

  25. I totally need help in the playroom organizing area!

  26. Oh, it's so hard to choose, but my sewing room could use some organization! What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

    valerie (at) frugalfamilyfunblog (dot) com

  27. I need a clutter buster in every room...but if I must choose 1...I closet!

  28. I have linked one of your ideas from my blog back to yours numerous times!

  29. I use your ideas all the time with my preschoolers! I love your blog! Thanks for this great giveaway!

  30. I am torn between the pantry or the art supplies... what a fabulous giveaway!

  31. We did the paper towel tube alphabet sticker activity not too long ago. My son loved it!

  32. I need clutter help in a few areas of my house...but the worst area right now is probably my daughters' art corner. They are 5 and 2 years-old and they have accumulated tons of art supplies...and the supplies are starting to take over the whole playroom! It's driving me nuts! I would love to win this giveaway!

  33. I am a subscriber of your blog (and Tanna's too, incidentally)! =)

  34. We did the Alphabet Letter Matching game and my girls loved it. husband is in the process of making the pretend play grocery store (such a great idea - we have those same shoe organizers just taking up space) - can't wait until it's finished!

  35. I just found your blog! I am a mother of 2 children ages 1 and 2 !!! can't wait to implement some of your activites this summer!
    May I add that your pantry before looks just like mine
