April 3, 2010

Baby Activity - Sleeping!

The baby activity that is on my mind lately is SLEEPING! It is so important for baby and for Mom! Have you seen one of these before? My friend gave me this "Woombie" to try and it has changed my life!
Yes, it is the same concept as swaddling but either I couldn't do it well enough (even with a large blanket) or my daughter is extremely strong because her arms always get out and with B it was his legs that busted through.
I slip this on N when she is getting drowsy and as she falls asleep I zip it up all the way to her neck. It has almost doubled the time she naps.
My only problem is when to wash this thing! She's in it all night and at naps too! I guess I'll have to go without it for one nap here and there. =)


  1. I wish I had known about that a year ago!

  2. I too wish I had known this four years ago. Anyway, the good thing is that this info will benefit a lot of mothers who are in the early phase.

  3. I'm totally going to buy one right now! I was a horrible swaddler with my first baby and now I'm close to having my second child and this woombie thing looks great! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Where did you find this, it looks wonderful. I am horrible at swaddling (you'd think after 5 babies I would have gotten a bit better at it). My baby is due any day, this would be great!

    Also wanted to let you know I have a gift for you over at my blog. I think it supports a great cause, but it is time sensitive. Come on over if you have a chance.
    Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

  5. Lol, that is freaky looking, but maybe that's just because I've been out of the swaddling stage for so long. :) We used the Miracle Blanket, and had two so that I could wash one while the kids were using the other. Actually the Miracle Blanket looked quite confining as well, but both my kids loved it.

  6. Mine was given to me by a friend, but I googled them and I think you can get it on Amazon.
    We jokingly called it the straight jacket at first because it looks so wierd but once we saw how well it worked we didn't care. =)
    I stopped using it at naps because she sleeps so long in it at night.

  7. James had freakishly strong arms as a baby, so swaddling never worked well for us either. The woombie does look strange, but if it means more sleep then I'm all over it!! Thank you for sharing this -- I'm definitely going to get one for next time!


  8. These the 50% off deal today at http://www.babyhalfoff.com/. Didn't know if you were looking to get more.
